directed by Eric Cherriere
The killer next door.
Pierre Tardieu is a part-time worker living in an old house with his sick father. No one is aware of his existence. Pierre is a serial killer. His victims are ordinary people with ordinary lives. Men and women living, working and suffering side by side yet apart, forming together a crowd lost in a big city…

DRAMA DCP/HD - 2014 - France - 108min
CAST Jean-Jacques Lelte, Magali Moreau, Maurice Poli, Hans Meyer
PRODUCED BY De Pure Fiction

Eric Cherriere was born in Brive, France in 1974. After studying philosophy and audiovisual (ESAV), he made short films distributed by Studio Canal and Seven 7 (John 32, The Black Hand) and documentary films devoted to Brian Yuzna (Hell and Gore), Remi Julienne (Profession stuntman) or the monster movies of Paul Nashy (A Yeti in the Pyrenees).
He also directed Spanish Western (Aragon, land of western) and Italian Western (Red Western) as well as many historical documentaries broadcasted by France Television. Eric Cherriere has also written two crime novels, Miss Chance and I do not like youpublished by Editions du Cherche Midi and critically acclaimed. CRUEL is his first feature film.
Festivals / Awards
Busan International Film Festival 2014
Hof International Film Festival, Germany 2014
Santa Barbara International Film Festival 2014 - International Competition
Festival International du Film Policier de Beaune 2015
Cyprus Film Days 2015 - Official International Competition
Hong Kong International Film Festival 2015
Rome Independent Film Festival 2015 - Official Competition
Sao Paulo International Film Festival 2015 - International Perspective